Pastor Search Announcement
Our current Pastor Will Leonard has made the decision to retire in 2025. After much prayer and consideration, the elder board has begun the search for a new Pastor who will guide us in our next chapter of ministry and growth. Below is more about his decision and the Elder Board's approach to finding our new pastor.
To my dearest brothers and sisters in Christ,
It is a hard thing for me to come to this place, but it is needful. As of October 2024 I have submitted my resignation to the Elders.
I and Roxanne were called to come, and to teach the bible, and to build the church here in Kanab. Over the past 9 years we have done that together with many of you. But as with many things in life there are seasons.
Just as Moses brought the children of Israel through the wilderness The Lord revealed that that was as far as he was to go. Deuteronomy 32:52
Likewise, John the Baptist told his disciples that he needed to decrease that the Lord might increase. John 3:29-30
I believe the Lord has spoken quite clearly that now is the time for me to move forward into a new season of my life, and that the Lord has a new season for this body of Christ as well.
The Elders have formed a committee to begin a pastor search and things are well underway.
I will continue to serve you until the end of April. But will then just be another one of the congregation here. I still have a desire to serve in this church in some capacity. I will seek the Lord as to what and where He wants me.
I must stress that this is a good thing for the church. It will stretch us and grow us in faith and steadfastness and will make us a stronger witness for Jesus.
Philippians 2:1-4 Therefore if you have any encouragement in Christ, if any comfort from His love, if any fellowship with the Spirit, if any affection and compassion, then make my joy complete by being like-minded, having the same love, being united in spirit and purpose. Do nothing out of selfish ambition or empty pride, but in humility consider others more important than yourselves. Each of you should look not only to your own interests, but also to the interests of others.
It has been a blessing and an honor to have served you during this time. I love you all dearly, and my heart is that we will all continue to grow in the grace and knowledge of your Lord and savior, Jesus Christ. For His Glory and His kingdom.
God Bless you all,
Will Leonard
Letter to the Congregation from Pastor Will Leonard
Letter to the Congregation From the Elder Board
Dear Calvary Chapel Kanab Family,
Our current Pastor, Will Leonard, has informed the Church Elder Board that he intends to retire in 2025. After much prayer and discernment, the Elders have begun the process of searching for a new Pastor to guide our congregation in this next chapter.
About the Search Process
Our goal is to find a Pastor who embodies the values of Calvary Chapel Kanab and can lead us with vision, compassion, and spiritual strength. The Search Committee, comprised of dedicated members from the elder board and other leaders, will oversee this process with the utmost care, prayer, and transparency.
Our Timeline and Approach
The search process will involve several key steps:
Creating a Profile: We are carefully developing a candidate profile that reflects the needs of our church.
Receiving Applications: Once our profile is complete, we will post the position and begin receiving applications.
Interviewing Candidates: We will conduct thorough interviews with candidates who meet the qualifications and align with our values.
In-person Candidate Meeting: Final candidate(s) will be invited to meet the congregation, answer questions, and deliver a sample sermon.
Final Recommendation: After prayerful consideration, the Search Committee will make a final recommendation to the elder board.
We anticipate that this process may take several months, as we are committed to finding the right person who is called to lead Calvary Chapel Kanab.
How You Can Support
We ask for your prayers as we move forward. Please pray for wisdom, discernment, and unity among the Search Committee and the Elder Board. Pray also that God would prepare the heart of our future pastor and guide them to us at the right time.
We are committed to keeping you updated at key points in this journey. Opportunity to provide input and feedback will be made available, and we encourage you to reach out to members of the Elder Board if you have any questions.
To provide a more detailed overview of the anticipated process, we have prepared answers to some common questions you may have. You can review them with this packet and we will also be placing them on the Calvary Chapel Kanab website.
Thank you for your faithfulness and support during this important season in the life of our church. Together, we trust in God’s plan for Calvary Chapel Kanab and look forward to His leading.
In Christ,
Jimmy Flanagan
David Hargrave
Stephen Jantz
Johnathan Kerr
Norm Kerr
Adam Young